Skywise Experience Centre
Transforming Concept to Physical Spaces and Showcase


The company was hiring me to create a experience Journey for the new Regional Skywise Experience Centre. Imagine a blank canvas—a 120m² dormant space on the ground floor of our Singapore campus.

With a mission to breathe new life into this area through a Skywise experience centre, I embarked on a designing experience journey map with confidence in my forte as service designer. However, the turning point came when a senior leader invited me to the space and posed a pivotal question: "Can your design and plan be executed by the end of the year? We are talking about everything: the interiors, the multimedia...everything!”

The urgency was clear we needed to present our vision to high stakeholders and sponsors while synchronizing the launch with experience centres in Europe and the US. 

There are clearly misexpectation in delivering beyond conceptual design and I’m need to make it work!

Stakeholder Interview
I conducted interviews with key stakeholders to glean insights into their vision for the space and to identify any constraints that could impact our design process.

Team Formation
Recognizing the complexity and scope of the Skywise Experience Centre project, we assembled a dynamic Multi-Functional Team (MFT) to synergize expertise and ensure comprehensive project execution. Comprising diverse roles including designers, Product Owners, developers, communications specialists, facility managers, IT team procurement, and customer success managers, our team was structured to address every facet of the project with precision and innovation.
9 core team and over 20 supporting team, including subcontractor

I collaborated with other leaders from Skywise showrooms worldwide and garnered crucial support from the global brand team

Service Safary study
with other Airbus Experience Centre
We conducted a benchmarking study with other Airbus experience centers. In Atlanta, the Skywise team developed a custom flight simulator integrated with digital products. Meanwhile, the Toulouse Skywise showroom is in the planning and MFT formation stages. Despite this, we opted to proceed concurrently to minimize alignment challenges and achieve our milestones.

Learning from Atlanta Experience Centre and Airbus Safety Promotion Centre in Toulouse

One of particular note was the Airbus Safety Promotion Centre built in collaboration with JAL. Its immersive experience design and clear messaging provide valuable guidance on supplier selection and CFT (Cross-Functional Team) operations.

Airbus Showroom Guideline

I also reached out to the Global Brand team for guidance on Airbus Showroom standards. Essentially, our goal is to strengthen the connection to the Airbus brand through immersion, interaction, and engagement. It's crucial that the experience is not only memorable but also supported by a compelling narrative.

Design Sprint
We organized a two-day design sprint with our team to outline the journey and experience. During the session we invite all product owner to present their concept and as a team we are brainstorming on how to bring the uniqueness in the experience and align on what is messages we want to deliver.

 “How Might We deliver” message and de-risk experience of each product that will be demonstrated in the centre.
Brainstorming board

Service Experience Concept
I consolidate the journey map into what referred as a
"service experience concept" inspired by Brian Fynes' conceptual model of service experience. It integrates elements from both journey mapping and service blueprinting to comprehensively map every aspect of the journey: physical and digital environments, frontstage interactions, and backstage operations involving both visitors and staff.

Multiple brief was generated for the company subcontractor

Our approach involves dividing the experience center into distinct zones, each serving a specific purpose. This mapping defines the comprehensive actions required throughout the entire journey:
  • Physical Environment: What physical elements will be present? This includes considerations such as simulators, large TV monitors, or interactive stands for explanations.
  • People & Processes: Who will be present in each zone? Will the product owner be there? Do demonstrations require multiple facilitators?
  • Interaction & Tools: What activities will visitors engage in within each zone? Is the experience purely digital, or does it incorporate technologies like IoT or computer vision?
  • Perception & Messaging: What messages are we aiming to convey? Are we promoting a product, seeking collaborations, or tailoring the experience for different audience segments?

Service Experience Concept Map

I refined our service experience map into a meticulously detailed plan. Every aspect of the experience journey map need crafted with precision, we ensure a cohesive activity that are
actionable and transferrable for implementation as it will come alive in few months.

Brief Generation & Tender
I translate the concept into four distinct briefs:
  1. Space Design: We engage a vendor specializing in space design to translate the concept into physical zoning, millwork that supports demonstrations, material selection, and graphics that reflect Airbus and Skywise branding.
  2. Multimedia: I compile product descriptions and collaborate with the communications team to create an exhibition introduction, explanatory paragraphs, and scripts for multimedia videos.
  3. UX: Working alongside the product owner, I design wireframes and commission a UI designer to develop final and animated screens using the Airbus UI kit.

Once the briefs are finalized, we initiate a tender process to identify suppliers capable of executing them. During implementation, adjustments may be necessary to ensure alignment with our objectives.

We've divided the space into distinct zones: a welcoming reception area, a Skywise zone highlighting its capabilities and presenting current data to customers. Following this, visitors will be guided through five different demonstrations within the space.

We have developed a dedicated flight simulator to demonstrate how the flight environment can be customized to integrate seamlessly with our back-office systems.

An enclosed cabinet housing our interactive TV and cables for IoT demonstrations.

THE INTERACTION DESIGN The further content of the demo  is [ confidential ] and proprietary document of
© AIRBUS SAS 2022. All right reserved 


Beginning at the reception desk, guests are warmly greeted. Depending on their role, familiarity with Skywise, and the messages we wish to emphasize, we categorize users into different experience tracks. Here, they gain an understanding of the showroom and exhibition context. For instance:
  • Users unfamiliar with Skywise receive a basic explanation of Skywise and Ontology.
  • C-level executives are provided with an initial overview of the reports.
  • Depending on the visitor's role—such as Chief Pilot, Engineering VP, or Digital Transformation Leader—we may allocate varying amounts of time for different demonstrations.

Digital showcase in Skywise Experience Centre


Service & Spatial Experience

Project Leader
Stakeholder Management
Conceptual design
Design Brief (Comms, Multimedia, Space design)
Supplier management

100~200k SGD

6 Month


Product owner
Da Jun Tan  l  Yenny Shin  l Gregory Nicols

Jesus Domingo  l  Kuang Tar  l   Romaine Le Donge 

Comms & Brand
Aaron Chong, David Mussotte

Shi Yim Dorina

Customer Susccess manager & Rep  Amol l  Jasmee  l  Chee Tiong

Shawn Lee  l  Brent lewis  l Taylor Chantereuil  l  Matthiew Rebut l  Tim Roach 

Successful Tactics 👌️

Delegate tasks to experts.
My background is in Industrial Design, and there is a time where I’m exited to build the simulator by myself. But I recognize that doing so might cause me to lose sight of the broader project and hinder its completion.

I'm also deeply impressed by the communications team's ability to grasp complex technological products swiftly and produce exceptionally professional content within tight timeframes.

Be brave and focus
As mentioned earlier, this project began with the misconception that I was tasked not only with creating a visually appealing journey map but also with overseeing its execution. It required courage to commit to this responsibility, gather the necessary team, and initiate a significant tender process—all within my first six months at the company. I anticipated challenges and administrative frustrations, focusing solely on delivering results.

My mindset is that even if this project fails, it will provide an invaluable learning experience. Few service designers have the chance to see their ideas through to implementation.

What I would do differently 😑️

You cannot Iterate in physiscal product.
Physical spaces differ significantly from software and typically, interior contractors are inflexible once technical drawings are signed. It's crucial to finalize every detail before execution, including determining the exact number of plugs and cables needed for simulators.

Be EXTREMELY diligent in reviewing space design deliverables to catch any discrepancies between visual renderings and the actual list of required items.

Select the right size of partner
Selecting a supplier that aligns with the project's scope is crucial. One supplier was too large-scale for our needs (we aimed to build a store, not an entire mall), complicating contract negotiations, liability, and compliance agreements. 

Don’t rely to one party of the demo!
Certain demos are highly specific and may require specific hardware or personnel (e.g., the product owner). To streamline operations, I collaborated with the development team to establish Demo Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that enable broader team involvement.